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Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biobizkaia
Grupo de Investigación en Genética y Enfermedades Endocrinas. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biobizkaia
Biobizkaia is the Health Research Institute of the Territory of Bizkaia, within the Basque health system, with a reference area of more than 1 million population. The core of the Institute is the Cruces University Hospital. The corporate entities of Biobizkaia are: the Department of Health, Osakidetza, the Basque Research and Innovation Foundation BIOEF, University of the Basque Country (UPV – EHU) and the BBK Banking Foundation.
Luis Antonio Castaño González
Group Coordinator
Luis Antonio Castaño González - PI
Rosa Martínez -
June Corcuera Tejada -
Olaia Velasco Vielba -